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Provide Teams with the Foundation to Thrive

The Peak Performing Teams program establishes and builds on the
solid foundation of Purpose, Clarity, and Psychological Safety, helping
in-person and virtual teams understand how to collaborate better leverage personality strengths, and improve performance.

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The Power of Perception: Issue 1

Take a look into some of 2021’s most significant themes and trends in teams, leadership, stress, and talent in our first-ever Year in Review issue for 2021, The Power of Perception. This comprehensive document and report will give you a chance to dive into our research, critical data points, and insights from our clients that will help you strategize for 2022.

Download your copy today.

BirkmaND: New Neurodiversity Tool!

BirkmaND serves as a great starting point for guided conversations between employers and employees by providing recommended accommodations across five success areas: Communication, Relationships, Time Management, Organization and Planning, and Sensory Needs. Having an awareness of an individual’s accommodation needs is beneficial in hiring and onboarding and work transitioning. 

Learn More!

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